Mar 2, 2009

back to school D:

Back to classssss (:
happy. excited. fun. xD

yes, indeed.
i`m back to class after 3 weeks of rottin at dhat lil room of mine.
sucky? very.
results revealed today.
lookin forward fer it? sort of.
nervous? hell yeah -.-
& surprisingly,
after seeing it over my college's web.

Joyce Cheong Mei Ling passed all (:
with 1A 5B's and 1C xD
not bad la ryteee?
hehehe. :X

excited to see my classmates,
missed them much.
first class was at Computer Lab today.
& dang,
i forgotten bout th dress code.
which is,
no skirts and slippers O:
& yes, i broke not one but two rules.
lololol. x)
but luckily, th lab assistant allow me in as its th first day ^^

class was conducted with another class too,
which means massive packness
& not enuf computers -.-
sucky internet lab. xD

but we can bring our lappy along next time,
so guess i`ll just do dhat. (:
& th subject is fully COURSE WORK
which means no major exams. *hiphiphooray*

did some practical lessons,
fun but boring cause th lecturer's voice is..
kinda irritating.
like she`s tryin to twit or somethin
dunno x.x

had lunch wid girlfriends'
dropped my friend back
& home sweet home.

little note to my classmates,
to those who did fairly well , congratulations.

to those who did not so well ;
study well & i`ll always be here to help if i cud. ^^

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